Posted by Most Insurance on April 22, 2011 4 responses

Sylvia: Comes to Most Insurance with a wide knowledge of our carriers, and systems.  She has been in the insurance industry for several years, and is taking over for Kathy as a Personal Lines Customer Account Manager.  She will be handling H-O of the alphabet.  Sylvia, has a Pomerania who seems to be to be very spoiled.



Tammy: Joins Most Insurance in the role of Director of First Impression.  She is new to the industry, but really enjoys what she is doing, and does a great job, making sure each client and future clients get to the right place at the right time.  We are confident when you call, or come in you will be impressed with Tammy.  She is a very proud mother of one.

4 thoughts on “2 New Employees at Most Insurance Check them out!

  1. Harold Moore says:

    Whew… what a relief! For a moment I expected to see a photo of Eric.

  2. Ruth Reid says:

    I didn’t see who is in charge of the insurance group whose names begin with P – Z.

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